36 results - Apartment for rent in Prilly

Additional information


The population of Prilly has fallen by 0.96% over the past 3 years, to 12,294 inhabitants.

Demographic data

On average, people earn CHF 64,265 annually. 34.44% of residents are currently enrolled in compulsory education, 38.6% have an SEK II qualification, 7.63% have a higher vocational education qualification and 19.34% of the population hold a university degree. The region is characterised by high social standards and an educated population. Currently, 1.85% of the population is unemployed.


The tax rate for the residential area is 15.35%. It differs from person to person and depends on factors such as specific income, marital status and the total amount of deductions. In Prilly, single people without children pay an average of 20.88% tax, a retired, married couple pays 19.98%, a married couple with two children pays 10.22% and a couple without children pays 14.51%.

The property market in general

New builds

Over the last 5 years, 290 new apartments have been constructed in Prilly. One-room apartments account for 59 of the new builds – ideal for people living alone. Alongside the existing apartments, 76 new 2-room apartments have been created. The 115 3-room apartments and 36 4-room apartments are also ideal for families. The number of exceptionally spacious newly constructed apartments includes one 6+ room apartment and 3 5-room apartments.

Housing stock

New construction has additionally increased the pool of available housing in the area, so that there are now a total of 6,822 apartments in Prilly. There are a total of 701 1-room apartments available in the region. The total number of properties comes to 1,806 apartments with 2 rooms, 2,483 apartments with 3 rooms and 1,329 apartments with 4 rooms. A total of 353 5-room apartments and 150 spacious apartments with at least 6 rooms are also available on the market.

Vacant apartments

There is a 0.43% vacancy rate in Prilly. Of this total, 0.43% of 1-room apartments, 0.44% of all 2-room apartments, 0.44% of the apartments with 3 rooms, 0.38% of the 4-room apartments and 0.57% of apartments with 5 rooms are presently empty. 6-room apartments have a vacancy rate of 0.4%.

Housing market (rental only)

The average rent for a flat in the region is CHF 1,460. Consequently, 25% of all available rents are cheaper than or equivalent to a monthly rent of CHF 1,200 (25th percentile). Monthly rents are lower than CHF 1,762 (75th percentile), or they are equal to this average price.